Opera: The Illuminati in Drama Libré
Opera in One Scene
The Illuminati in Drama Libre is based on a play of the same name by Alice Gerstenberg. It was written in 1921 and the text was originally published in "Ten One-Act Plays. Alice Gerstenberg. New York: Brentano's, 1921." The text is in the public domain.
There are two characters in this play (opera), HE, and SHE.
Gerstenberg chose to only have two characters and to not give them names.
We know little about the characters. Gerstenberg also chose to have them talk in fragmented sentences, leaving room for interpretation.
The couples act, at first, flirtatiously, then in despair, then angrily, then in horror, then dramatically, then inspirationally, then emotionally, then passionately and finally…without resolution.
It appears they are in love yet there is a significant conflict. They don't know how to resolve the conflict. They fight, they struggle, they love, they argue, they mock, they sigh, they exit going their separate ways.
Paul Scherer